Re-Imagining the Boutique

Just as seasons and styles change so to must we at the Boutique. So as items go out and more come in Pam and I get down to the business of finding a place for everything which sometimes leads to a bigger project than we thought as you will see in the upcoming photos. We have fun doing this and it’s a good thing we work very well together and can take each others feedback.



So here is a bit of an overall picture of the middle of the store. I had this huge piece of VERY heavy glass for a table top that we used for display. Well I finally got the guys over to get rid of it for us so we could revamp the area.


Here is the after of the middle of the Boutique now that we don’t have that huge table in the way! We have so much more room to bring in more items.





This is right when you walk in. (the before) It was way to eclectic cluttered with no rhyme or reason. So we completely re-imagined the space.


Uncluttered and organized with items that would go into a living room or study. (After)


This is a view from the back but the same wall.


We took out this shelving unit completely and made room for our bedroom area. (Before)


 This is where we will be putting a twin size bed to display the beautiful coverlets and other bedroom furniture and accessories we offer for sale. (After)



Just a mess is all I can say about this area along the right wall. Just no fluidity here at all. (Before)


Now it’s organized for our craft, gifts, and Jewelry area. (After)


This was right in front of the window area and it also had no purpose rhyme or reason. (Before)


Now it clearly has a purpose for all of our kitchen items. I just love it. (After)


(This picture was taken at night and doesn’t show quit as well)

All in all I have to say I am in love with all the different spaces in the store that clearly show people what we have to offer as well as being able to give different design ideas with pieces that they may not have thought of before. I am sure that as time goes on we will Re-Imagine our space again to change with our growing needs as a Boutique, but I think you have to be willing to just change things up and not be afraid to. My tastes change often but if you have a few pieces you love you can work with them to give them a whole new look and feel. Don’t be afraid to move things around and try them in spaces you wouldn’t normally think to put them and give your space a Re-Imagined and Re-freshed look and feel.

Recipes To Impress

So I thought I would share a few recipes for your gatherings this summer that would be a great hit amongst your friends and family.

Let’s start with the all important cocktails….

This one is super yummy and easy to make. Just purée strawberries and add chilled champagne.

Pure Genious here. Lemonade and vodka in this cool Capri sun carrier.

O.k. I am a huge Barefoot Mascoto lover and this just sounds so yummy so I had to share.

Growing up one of my favorite rules was desert first then dinner! I mean seriously who doesn’t love that?! So here are a few foodgasim worthy deserts…

Marshmellows dipped in carmel left to harden then dipped in chocolate with a stick! Oh my yumminess!


Oh yes!

Ok how about some lunch or dinner recipes?!

French bread, mozzarella, pesto, tomatoes, drizzled in olive oil.

garlic chicken yummy!!

Simple and Delicious are the keywords for this recipe!
Glazed Pork

Well hopefully you have a few good recipes now for your next gathering. Enjoy and let me know if you tried any of these and how you liked them?!?

Spring Into Creative Fun


It’s time to think Spring Creating! (even though here in the north it is still snowing : ( )

I have compiled a list of a few easy but fun looking creative ideas that definitely say spring is on it’s way!

How cute are these dragonflies made from clothes pins. This would be a great and easy project for little ones. spring dragonfly — whip up.

This fun project from American Crafts Studio will really help it feel like spring. (I wouldn’t have used the pop can but the flowers are adorable)

This is SUPER cute for easter! The best part is it’s all made from items from the dollar store! How many will you make?

How about this cute bird house made with modge podge? Yep I said Modge Podge, like we need another excuse to break out the modge podge!

While your at Sew Country Chick check this amazing little herb garden box. What a cute little herb box! I see one of these in my near future.

So those should keep you busy for at least a day or so : ) and hopefully help get you into Spring mode, even if it’s still snowing where your at!

Enchanted Makeovers/ Pinterest Project 4

When I read about Enchanted Makeovers via Sarah Macklem from The Yellow Cape Cod I contacted her immediately thru email wanting to know how I could be a part of this mission. She put me in touch with Terry Grahl the founder and CEO of Enchanted Makeovers. Heres a little about Terry and her vision via her website…

Enchanted Makeovers, is embodied by the work and spirit of Terry Grahl, Chief Executive Officer and Visionary.  Terry aspires not so much todo something as to be something. It’s not a series of “decorating” projects; it is a movement to transform not only the lives of women, mother’s, teens and children who are rebuilding their lives in shelters but also to transform those who participate in the giving. This represents a profound shift in the traditional view of philanthropy and the communication of it is the essence of the Enchanted Makeovers brand.

  So after talking with Terry today for almost 2 hours I am very excited to be jumping on board with her mission.

What made me want to be a part of this? As a teenager I spent of lot of time in group homes. They are not welcoming, encouraging, nice, or friendly feeling in any way. As a young girl being unsure, scared, confused and discouraged by life to begin with, going into a group home that is stark, cold, uninviting, and definitely not encouraging didn’t help with my confidence and courage. It was down right depressing and didn’t make for a great start to my journey in these places.

  BUT….yes there’s a but to think about : )

What if you could a take that same unsure, scared, confused and discouraged girl and brought her into an environment of warmth, and comfortable surroundings that felt inviting and safe? I’ll give you a hint… confidence and reassurance… to feel safe to open up, to feel welcomed and cared for. If you go into a place that is old, broken, and falling apart then could you feel new, confident and fixed? Nope… You yourself would feel old, broken, and like your falling apart. Take this and apply it to battered women shelters. Strong couragous women, & mothers, who are already feeling broken, abandoned, and hopeless. What if they could come into a place that feels safe, secure, warm, inviting, inspiring, and hopeful? I’ll give you another hint : ) They would be one step closer to finding their strength, courage, voice, and confidence that had really already been there all along, but just just got a little lost. Helping to provide an environment like this is a part of what Enchanted Makeovers is all about and I am proud to be a part of this.

  Please take a few moments and check out the Enchanted Makeovers site. Go ahead click over then hurry back for the next part! : )

What did you think? I know it made me want to do something to! So as you seen they are always in need of donations. Please if you consider donating something for the makeovers make sure it is new. Just because the women and girls are in these places doesn’t mean they deserve less or ruined items. If you are willing to donate some of your handmade items, such as blankets, rugs, headbands, stuffed animals and such it would be an honor to accept them and very appreciated by those who will receive them.

Now : ) teehee Simply Creative Boutique is looking for ideas on makeover projects such as frames, mirrors, paintings, or any decor projects that you can think of for ideas to use in these Shelters. The theme for the current project going on at the Detroit Mission House is a shabby chic, cottage, vintage treasure kind of feel with some whimsy thrown in. What decorating ideas do you have? What sort of projects can be done for decor in this makeover? There are 21 rooms to be completed, and a sewing room. They will not all match but have the same feel. Do you have some handmade items you can donate?

Simply Creative Boutique will be hosting an Enchanted Makeover event in October (date soon to follow) We will be making decor items for use at the Detroit Mission House makeover. We are in need of volunteers to come help assemble chosen projects. Please contact Jennifer at or 586-307-4816 with any questions or to find out how you can help transform lives.


P.S. I am also making this Pinterest project 4 from my Pay It Forward Pin : ) I know it’s a bit of cheating

Small Boutiques Meet Big Retailer | Sourcing Handmade

Small Boutiques Meet Big Retailer | Sourcing Handmade.

I am not exactly sure how I feel about this all together. In some ways it’s wonderful exposure, and I am sure will help sales. Although in order to be picked by Target you have to be a pretty well known Boutique to begin with, so do they really need the exposure?

Then their is the thought…where does that leave our handmade market of “mom & pop” shops so to speak? A big chain retailer getting in on the action of what Boutique’s have worked so hard to start up to begin with. Most people who starts Boutique’s start them because of the closeness with it’s vendors and customers. What will happen to that? I like knowing my customers and vendors personally. It’s what makes us different. It what makes the shopping experience different. It’s what makes the handmade community different.

So all in all I guess I don’t like it very much. I feel it takes away from the experience of Boutique and handmade shopping.

Leave a comment after reading the article and my post and let me know what you think…. I would love to hear your thoughts!!

Creative Designer vs Crafter

To me the words “Arts and Crafts”, “Craft”, “Crafting”, “Crafter” sound like something my Great Great Grandma would do, or something my kids do at school.
I feel that the “Crafting” world has evolved into so much more than that. The talent that i see from “Crafters” these days astonishes me. The detail and passion and talent is so much more than something you would find in Great Grandma’s house or hanging on the fridge held together with elmer’s glue. (not that i don’t treasure those elmer glued projects from my children)
I feel that as “Crafting” has evolved so to should our “professional name”. So i decided that from now on when people ask me what i do, i will say i am a “Creative Designer”
I will also refere to all my fellow “crafters” as “Creative Designers”
What do you all think? I am curious about your feelings on this subject?